Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Feeling Froggy

It's no secret that the Chinese are known for doing some strange things. The Chinese government limits the number of children per family and free speech; China is also the birthplace of the toilet-themed restaurant, Modern Toilet- the list goes on and on. But, the Chinese are also known for inventing fireworks, healing people naturally with their extensive knowledge of herbs and teas as well as some excellent cuisine. The menu at Yuet Lee's North Beach restaurant is loaded with strange eats including sauteed fresh frogs. Open until 3am on weekends, the restaurant might be the only one in town serving amphibians on a platter. If you didn't already know it was frog you might mistake the entree for sauteed sea bass. The texture is fatty, tender and a bit slimy like that of seabass, but with lots of cartilage. Stir-fried with peanuts, bamboo shoots, two kinds of mushrooms (white and shitake), ginger, green onion, carrots, and cilantro our little green friend is praticaly swimming in a ginger-garlic sauce with accompanying vegetables. Tastes similar to dark-meat skinless chicken chicken as there isn't a sliver of bumpy green skin in sight. Frog is considered a delicacy in Asian and French kitchens, and by me as well. DELICIOUS is the final answer. 1300 Stockton St, (415) 982-6020

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